The Yonic Bloom

A self-love encounter

Barbara Lima
2 min readSep 12, 2021
Photo by Inna Podolska on Unsplash

She didn’t know why she stood there where she suddenly found herself in that dark evening.

It appeared she had been observing an unidentifiable scene which revealed itself in the form of a peripherally encapsulating background.

The colours of her blurred vision were reddish dark, yet an externally-directed, focused attention dragged her senses to a much closer proximity in that field.

A growing sensation below her midriff pulled her eyes and her hands towards an urge to touch and investigate what seemed to be a completely new experience.

As she laid her visual and tactile instruments on her nude genitals, a clitoric protuberance elevated itself in what looked like an attempt to meet her at eye level.

Initially of a length of half an index finger, the erected limb continued to grow as soon as she touched it; as if it were a plant that had received the right nutrition and was now responding to it in an entirely new fashion.

Stemming upwards, the pale pink vaginal vine reached the height of her eyes and stopped, as to display itself to her. For her own delight.

The labial scarlet flower paraded open in front of her like a sizeable, floating, glitteringly juicy orchid.

Curious about the nature of what she was witnessing, her right index and middle fingers touched the valley created by the clitoric-labial encounter, printing on her soul a softly sweet sensation of self-love.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this piece, please consider buying me a cup of tea. Your support is much appreciated!



Barbara Lima

A heart regenerator and a healing pen. Poetry and creative nonfiction.